Pieces V1 03 – Combine Or Divide Complexly Structured Files


Additional materials: supplemental-theory.pdf, PBDmatlabv1.03.zip Published in Computer Graphics Forum (Proceedings of the Eurographics Symposium on Rendering 2013), volume 32, number 4. Eurographics / Blackwell Publishers, June 2013. (Zaragoza, Spain, June 19-21.). Equation 13 amended July 2013. Physically Based Lighting at Pixar. Forty-Eight, File 14 of 18' by daemon9/route/infinity, and there is a lot of documentation available on the subject I will only repeat some things very briefly. (Please read the phrack #48 file or any other document on the subject before reading this). A connection is fully defined with 4 parameters, a source host and port. AMINETCDROM.LHA 1046364 16-Apr-94 Elenco completo dei files contenuti nel CDROM AmiNet AMITCP-LIST1993. 7809 11-May-94 AmiTCP Mailing list archive n.o 09 del 1993. A-18 Appendix A Assemblers, Linkers, and the SPIM Simulator A.3 Linkers A.3 separate compilation Split- Separate compilation permits a program to be split into pieces that are stored in ting a program across many different files.

This example shows one way to merge the contents of two files and then create a set of new files that organize the data in a new way.

To create the data files

  1. Copy these names into a text file that is named names1.txt and save it in your project folder:

  2. Copy these names into a text file that is named names2.txt and save it in your project folder: Note that the two files have some names in common.

Pieces V1 03 – Combine Or Divide Complexly Structured Files File



The program writes a separate file for each group in the same folder as the data files.

Compiling the Code

Create a C# console application project, with using directives for the System.Linq and System.IO namespaces.

See also

linrx wrote:

There are some old DOS command-line PROGRAMS (e.g., SLICE and
SPLICE from PC-Magazine come to mind) to chop up and reassemble
large files. If you look around, you will find LOTS of programs to do
this. Why not just use WinZip or PKZIP?


Pieces V1 03 – Combine Or Divide Complexly Structured Files Smaller

To do this in (some kind of) BASIC, you basically read the input file a
byte a time and write each output file a byte at a time, incrementing the
bytes written counter, until the count of bytes written is equal to the desired
number of bytes, then close that slice file, reset the bytes written counter
to zero, open the next slice file and write a byte from the input file until the
count of bytes written is equal to the desired number; keep doing this until
you encounter EOF on the input file, then close all files and exit. The output
files are declared with a record length of one.

Here's an example QBASIC (that's the interpreter, not QuickBasic) program
that splits a large file into multiple files by records (or lines):

begin file c:QBASPGMSSPLIT04.BAS
001. DIM Inrec AS STRING
002. DIM Infile AS STRING
003. DIM OutFile AS STRING
004. DIM MsgFile AS STRING
005. DIM OutFname AS STRING
006. DIM FileSeq AS STRING
007. DIM RecsInFile AS LONG
008. DIM i AS LONG
011. Infile = ENVIRON$('INFILE')
012. OutFile = ENVIRON$('OUTFILE')
013. MsgFile = ENVIRON$('MSGFILE')
014. RecsInFile = VAL(ENVIRON$('RECS_PER_FILE'))
015. ctr = 1
017. OPEN Infile FOR INPUT AS #1
018. OPEN MsgFile FOR OUTPUT AS #3
019. DO
020. FileSeq = '000' + MID$(STR$(ctr), 2)
021. FileSeq = '.' + RIGHT$(FileSeq, 3)
022. OutFname = OutFile + FileSeq
023. OPEN OutFname FOR OUTPUT AS #2
025. FOR i = 1 TO RecsInFile
026. LINE INPUT #1, Inrec
027. PRINT #2, Inrec
028. NEXT i
029. NOFILE:
030. CLOSE #2
031. PRINT #3, 'Created file ', OutFname
032. ctr = ctr + 1
033. LOOP UNTIL (EOF(1))
035. CLOSE

Phil Robyn
Univ. of California, Berkeley

Pieces V1 03 – Combine Or Divide Complexly Structured Files Pdf

u n z i p m y a d d r e s s t o s e n d e - m a i l